Energy Audit: Brief Overview of Theory & Practice of Energy Audits
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A review of the published literature on the theory and practice of performing an Energy Audit was conducted. The purpose of this review was to assess relevant information on conducting an energy audit as a tool in the movement to a carbon net zero environment. This research is part of the overall Kenson Group Carbon Net Zero Capability Portfolio that positions Kenson as a viable provider in this area.
An Energy Audit is a process of checking the way energy is used in a building and identifying areas where wastage can be minimized or eradicated.
All businesses and homes can benefit from conducting an energy audit as it will save money spent on electricity and it will promote energy conservation which is a major contributing factor in the battle against climate change. It is an inexpensive process that requires little to no expertise.
The following steps are important for a successful energy audit:
- Collect building and utility data and analyze
- Conduct a walk-through survey
- Develop a baseline for energy use
- Conduct evaluation of energy saving methods
Examples of published literature where energy audits were conducted were a factory in Ireland and a university in India. As a result of their Energy Audits, the Irish factory was able to reduce its annual energy use by 53,579kWh providing a cost saving of 11.5% per annum. The Indian University on the other hand managed an energy reduction of 77,221.88kWh giving an overall cost reduction target of 26.3% per annum.
In Trinidad and Tobago, the electrical bill is statistically the largest of all utility bills with the average being TT$1500 and the upper about TT$3000 and the lower being TT$600. Despite Trinidad’s electricity being highly subsidized due to our production of fossil fuels, every citizen can benefit from reducing their electricity bill. These subsequent reductions can be achieved by conducting an energy audit to your personal household. This audit will provide you with your relevant energy use to which you can then implement conservation methods to reduce your monthly energy consumption.
It can be seen from the literature review the importance of Energy Auditing in the movement to achieving Carbon Net Zero. It provides a foundation of physical data on energy use that can then be analyzed to make the decision of implementing measures of reducing this subsequent energy. By partaking in this reduction, it helps in the overall battle against carbon emission as the less energy being used proportionally means less energy needed to be made.
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